Conference Program
Prgramme Overview
16th August 2024 18:00-20:00pm Welcome and Registration at the HotelWelcome and Registration
at the Maison New Century Hotel(嘉兴奥体开元名庭酒店)
18:00-20:30pm Reception Dinner at the Maison New Century Hotel
17th August 2024 Opening Session & Photo, 6-108
Panel Moderator: Zhijun Yan, Beijing Institute of Technology
08:30-12:00 Registration at the Lobby of No.6 Building
08:30-12:00 Exhibition of Healthcare Firms at the Lobby of No.6 Building
08:30-8:50 Opening Ceremony
August 17th 2024 Keynote Sessions, 6-108
8:50-9:35 Keynote Speech 1
Keynote Speaker: Andrew Burton-Jones
Topic:Digital Transformation of Healthcare in Australia: Lessons Learned
from Two Cases
Panel Moderator: Yichuan(Ethan) Wang, University of Sheffield
9:35-10:20 Keynote Speech 2
Keynote Speaker: Zhongsheng Hua
Topic: An Interpretable Machine Learning Framework for Predictive
Modelling: Taking Peri-implantitis as an Example
Panel Moderator: Bin Zhu, Beijing Institute of Technology
10:20-10:40 Break
10:45-11:30 Keynote Speech 3
Keynote Speaker: Xitong Guo
Topic: Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms:
Evidence from A Randomized Field Experiment
Panel Moderator: Lin Jia, Beijing Institute of Technology
11:30-12:15 Keynote Speech 4
Keynote Speaker: Luxia Zhang
Topic: Health Data Science: data for better health
Panel Moderator: Liuan Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology
12:10-13:30 Buffet Lunch at the School Cafeteria
13:30-14:15 Keynote Speech 5
Keynote Speaker: Zhidong Cao
Topic: Advancements in Large Model Technology and Their Influence on
Panel Moderator: Zhu Zhang, Beijing Institute of Technology
14:15-15:00 Keynote Speech 6
Keynote Speaker: Yuming Zhang
Topic: The Digital Intelligence Era: Stepping into the Metaverse Medical
Panel Moderator: Shiwei Sun, Beijing Institute of Technology
15:00-15:20 Break
15:20- 17:00 Parallel Sessions, No.4 Building Corridor
Session 1: Emerging technologies and AI in healthcare, 4-206
Session 2: Digital and social media in healthcare, 4-207
Session 3: Digital technologies and mental health management, 4-208
Session 4: Operation and intelligent systems in healthcare, 4-209
17:05- 17:45 Panel Discussion: How to Publish High-quality Academic Papers from
Editors' View: Challenges and Opportunities, No.4 Building Corridor 207
Panel Moderator: Luke Younghoon Chang
Editor in Chief of Internet Research (IR): Christy M.K. Cheung
Managing Editor of Industrial Management & Data Systems: Zhao Cai
Managing Editor of Data and Information Management(DIM): Nian Ding
Deputy Director of BIT Academic Journal Center: Bolian Liu
18:00-19:30 Gala Dinner and Closing Ceremony at the Hotel
19:30-21:30 Night Visit at Southlate (嘉兴南湖)
18th August 2024 Site Visit Keeson(麒盛科技)
09:00-10:30 Site Visit at Keeson(麒盛科技)
10:30-11:30 Site Visit at Jiaxing City Brain(嘉兴城市大脑)
12:00-13:30 Buffet Lunch at the University Cafeteria