DHA 2024
Digitalisation Adding Value to Healthcare
Beijing Institute of Technology (Jiaxing), China
16-18 August, 2024
Chinese Language Session (中文投稿)
The official language of the conference is English. Local language sessions accept papers in Chinese language, but the title and abstract of a paper must be accompanied in English. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings and be presented in the formal conference provided that at least one author registers for and presents in the conference. High quality papers in Chinese language will be fast tracked to Chinese journals.
Paper Submission (论文提交)
The Chinese language session accepts comprehensive research papers, short articles and chief abstract.
会议的中文论文接受全文稿件、研究短文和长摘要 (例如: 学术讨论、个案研讨、临床实验研究、基础与临床的短文、医学统计综述、病例报道)
Language: Each manuscript should be written in Chinese, and the title and abstract in English should also be provided. (语言:每份稿件都应用中文书写,并且还应提供英文题目和摘要。)
Author Information: The manuscripts submitted for review MUST NOT contain any author information, as the review process is double blind. A manuscript that is not anonymous will be rejected without review. Please provide author information in the cover page and then submit it along with the manuscript. (作者信息:提交审查的稿件不得包含任何作者信息,研讨会采投稿双向匿名审查方式。未经匿名的稿件将被拒绝。请在封面页中提供作者信息,然后将其与稿件一起提交。)
File Format: Manuscripts submitted for review should be in the PDF format. Make sure that your manuscript is formatted as required by DHA 2024, by downloading and using the Microsoft Word file which could be used as a template. (文件格式:提交审查的稿件应采用PDF格式。通过下载和使用以下的模板的Microsoft Word文件,确保您的稿件按照DHA 2024的格式要求。)
Manuscript: Paper Template_Chinese. (稿件模板下载)
Please send your manuscript to EasyChair (Click here to submit) before 20th June 2024.
Review process begins 20th June 2024; Early submission is encouraged for an early decision.